
本系統由 TinyBook 所維護

服務條款 / Terms of Service

  • 本網站僅向年滿18歲之成年人提供,未成年者須由法定代理人同意並代為購買。
  • 本網站採會員制,請確實填寫正確資料,如經發現所提供資料不符合真實,本網站有權暫停或取消其會員資格,並終止交易。
  • 當會員使用本網站及所提供之服務時,表示同意以「電子文件」作為表示方法,並暸解其等同於書面同意之效果。
  • 如會員使用本服務之行為有任何違反法令,或危害本網站或第三者權益之虞時,本網站有權不經告知,立即暫時或永久終止會員使用本服務。
  • 下列情形發生時,本網站有權可以停止、中斷提供本服務:
    1. 對本服務相關軟硬體設備進行更換、升級、保養或施工時。
    2. 發生突發性之電子通信設備故障時。
    3. 天災或其他不可抗力之因素致使本網站無法提供服務時。
  • 如因服務內容調整或相關法規變動,主辦方保有修改或變更此條款之權利,並自公告或通知日起生效。如會員於任何修改或變更後仍繼續使用本網站之服務,視同已瞭解並同意接受修改或變更後的條款內容。
  • 本網站之所有內容均為本網站之智慧財產,除事先經本網站或其權利人之合法授權外,任何人不得擅自重製、 散布、 傳輸、改作、編輯、 租用、出售或以其他任何形式、基於任何目的加以使用,否則應自負所有法律之責任。
  • 活動如遇颱風、地震、惡劣天氣等天災事故,或因重大傳染病、政府法規等不可抗力因素,主辦方保留活動延期、取消、更改之權利。係因上述之緣由,非主辦方之故意或過失而造成購票民眾權益損失,故不得以此向主辦方追討任何損失,及要求其相關之責任。
  • 如活動因上述等不可抗力因素導致演出取消或延期,主辦方將於確認退票退款規則後,以適當方式通知並公告於購票網頁與FB粉絲專頁;後續退票或其他事宜,請參見官方購票網頁與粉專說明。

* 退/換票流程與規定已公告於本網站上,請詳閱後再購買票券。若因資料填寫錯誤、隱匿真實資料或逾期辦理退換票等緣由,導致訂購失敗、不能領票、不能入場或無法退票等狀況,主辦方恕不受理。

* 當會員使用本網站提供之服務時,表示已閱讀、瞭解並同意購票須知隱私權條款及上述條款之內容

Terms of Service

  • This website is only available to adults over the age of 18. Minors must obtain the consent of their legal guardian and make purchases through them.

  • This website operates on a membership system. Please provide accurate and truthful information. If it is found that the information provided is not valid, the website reserves the right to suspend or cancel the membership and terminate the order.

  • When members use this website and the services provided, they agree to use electronic documents as a form of representation and understand that it has the same effect as written consent.

  • If a member violates any laws or poses a threat to the interests of the website or third parties while using this service, the website has the right to immediately suspend or permanently terminate the member's use of this service without prior notice.

  • The website has the right to suspend or interrupt the provision of this service under the following circumstances:

    1. When related software or hardware equipment for this service is being replaced, upgraded, maintained, or constructed.

    2. In the event of a sudden electronic communication equipment failure.

    3. When a natural disaster or other force majeure event prevents the website from providing the service.

  • In the event that the content of the service is adjusted or related regulations change, the organizer reserves the right to modify or change these terms, which will take effect from the date of announcement or notification. If the member continues to use the website's services after any modifications or changes, it is deemed that they have understood and agreed to the modified or changed terms.
  • All content on this website is the intellectual property of the website. Without prior legal authorization from the website or its rights holders, no one may reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, edit, lease, sell, or use in any other way or for any purpose, and shall take all legal responsibilities if they do so.
  • In the event of a typhoon, earthquake, severe weather, or other natural disasters, or due to major infectious diseases or government regulations and other force majeure events, the organizer reserves the right to postpone, cancel or change the event. If the purchase of tickets causes losses due to the above reasons, which are not caused by the intentional or negligent acts of the organizer, the organizer will not be held responsible for any losses or damages claimed.
  • If the event is canceled or postponed due to the aforementioned force majeure events, the organizer will announce the refund and ticket return rules after confirmation, through appropriate means and channels such as the ticket purchasing website and Facebook page. For subsequent ticket refunds or other matters, please refer to the official ticket website and Facebook page for further instructions.

* The refund/exchange process and regulations have been announced on this website. Please read them carefully before purchasing tickets. If the order fails or if the ticket cannot be collected, cannot be used, or cannot be refunded due to incorrect information, withholding of true information, or failure to complete the refund/exchange procedures before the deadline, the organizer will not be responsible.

* When you use the services provided by this website, you indicate that they have read, understood and agreed to the ticket purchase notice, privacy policy and the content of the above terms.
